Sunday, March 7, 2010

An useless writing

Wow, unbelievable, i finally still back for blog, dunno why? Feel funny, today, actually i dunno what i want to write too, just feel little confuse, dunno what should i do, just know do something that useless.

What is the purpose that i live in this world? Make this world become more better? Or just live normal like an idiot person? Honestly, actually i got many dreams, just hope all this dreams come true. But this word 'hope' cant prove any things, till the end, us ourself just can make own dreams come true........

Sometimes, many people just know to say what they want to do, but at the end, they just know do bullshit, not the real things they want to do........ Hey, all my friends, please, don't because your parents or friends, then stop what you want to do. If u feel want to do so, Just keep it on, go for it, why not? If they say u are doing useless, prove it, prove that you can do it with success.

Sigh, feeling down now, don't ask me why, just dunno why, maybe because i am single, or maybe because there are still many things for me to do and worry, sometimes, really want to back to the future and be a baby, and just a weird baby that cant grow up, so no need worry all the thing that i must worry now. But wake up please! Edward!!!!!!!!! Wake up please, are you trying to run away from all the things u scare? This just din't make any sense, it just bring more and more bad things come, so be taught please, face it, solve all the bad things 1st or things that u worrying now....... Be optimism.......

Very useless right? write with no idea, just an USELESS writing ........... Sigh

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